Wednesday 3 December 2008

Told you so!

Told you so
It's been nearly 2 months since I wrote my last and first blog entry and warned you that I wasn't going to update this blog very often. And I was right! Yay! :-)

Eventful months
These months have been very eventful though. America has a president-elect that the entire world is proud of. There's light at the end of the tunnel after all. Great choice, America!

In local news, I've just recently finished scoring an amazing new Adventure Game called Emerald City Confidential which takes place in the magical land of Oz, as written by L. Frank Baum put through the gritty filter of 1940s film noir. The music is orchestral, dark, magical and mysterious but hopefully contains enough of me in it, to be distinguishable from all the other orchestral, dark, magical and mysterious scores out there today. The game is developed by Wadjet Eye Games and published and funded by PlayFirst Inc., a game publishing heavy weight that focuses primarily on the enormous market for casual games. We've been working on this project for a LONG time now and it will be released in the beginning of 2009. Check out the official website:

I was recently signed by Casual Game Systems A/S, a Danish game developer, to score their new exciting game-product. I can't reveal anything at this point, but just assure you that it's going to be coooool! :-) Check out their website here:

Blackwell Convergence
There's been a lot of commotion around the release of Blackwell Convergence, the next installment in the Blackwell-series by Wadjet Eye Games. We've all been hard at work on Emerald City Confidential, so the release of Convergence had to be postponed a little. With ECC close to being finished, we are now excited to start working on Convergence again. The music will pretty much start where it left off in Blackwell Unbound, but I'm trying to make it even more "late night'ish" and mysterious. The orchestral/electronica/pop intro-tune is available here. If you like it, please buy the game when it's released:

Game Developers Conference 2009
And it's official! I'll be attending GDC in San Francisco in March. If you'd like to meet me while I'm there, please contact me!

That's it for now! :-)

Till next time!

Thomas Regin.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi Thomas!

Congratulations on your recent successes. It looks like you are primed for a wonderful 2009.

Best wishes,
